Seeing a dietitian can often be the difference to treating complex chronic issues such as endometriosis or PCOS. It can also help a woman to reach her goal of conception.

Nutrition for Women

Symptoms as a result endometriosis which can be improved through nutrition include: Bloating, Wind, Cramps, Weight gain, Constipation and / or Diarrhoea.

If you have endometriosis and would like to learn about on how diet could help improve your symptoms, seeing Rachel Jeffery our dietitian may help.

Endometriosis and Diet

There is no cure for endometriosis, but early diagnosis and treatment of endo, can help to reduce symptoms and the long term impacts.

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Nutrition for the first 1000 days

It is well-known that what you eat in the months leading up to conception, during your pregnancy and what your child eats up to their second birthday can influence the child’s neurodevelopment, affecting their health and disease related risks over their life.

It is known as the ‘first thousand days’. If ever there’s a time to eat well, it’s now. (11)

Energy and protein are essential for a child’s normal growth and development, with key nutrients including zinc; iron; choline; folate; iodine; vitamins A, D, B6, & B12. 

Rachel Jeffery, our Dietitian will work with you to assess and review your diet to ensure it meets all nutrition requirements.

Working with a Dietitian

As part of BWC's team approach, you may be recommended to see Rachel by one of BWC's gynaecologists or GP. However, as it is not necessary to have a referral to a dietitian and you can book with Rachel Jeffery at our reception. 

Your first visit involves:
  • Exploration of your medical history
  • Noting any current medications and supplements 
  • Foods eaten, habits and lifestyle
  • Symptoms and issues

Working with Rachel, you will receive an individual diet plan and recommended supplements to achieve maximum benefits.

The review appointment is about checking in to see how you are managing.

The following areas are assessed:
  1. Symptoms changes
  2. Barriers and challenges
  3. Diet changes

You then receive any changes to the plan for the next steps.